
Monday, April 28

Another year has passed

Well, I'm officially one year older.
It's not that it's my BD or something. no. I've had my BD some time ago, just had the time to reflect upon it.

What did the past year bring?
What will the new one bring?

Accomplishments of the past year aren't that great by any standards, but I guess even surviving counts nowadays :)
Of course, I've learned something new, that counts too. I've learned a lot of new things, actually. But my accomplishments always seem minuscule if compared to quite a lot of people I know. Then again, money isn't the only things that matters in this world.
Or so I'm inclined to think :)
Then again, money come and go, and come easily if you're lucky. While I could never call myself lucky.
Rather, my latest adventures prove that small troubles seem to be attracted to me, or at least there're times in my life when they just can't pass me by and find someone else to bother.
That didn't change even as I grew older.

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