
Saturday, October 19

Halloween and Guild Wars 2... and delusions

hey, it's almost Halloween time.
and you know why I know about it? because Guild Wars 2 that I've been playing features Halloween events :) [as for this event - I've never seen so many people in one place in GW before... it gets to the point where I think about lowering my graphics settings]
otherwise, I'd be just working, eating and sleeping - and occasionally logging into GW. 
 I'd like to write more here, but it's gotten pretty late again. days run away so unexpectedly...

nevertheless, I've decided to share some screens of GW2 I've made and as I write this they're uploading to Google drive. and by 'some' I mean almost all I've made so far :)

other happenings in my life...
my cousin got married, the youngest of us (cousins). her wedding that I've attended is a separate topic altogether. 

I thought I'd have time to got out with my friend today, but my colleagues decided against it by presenting me with yet another Friday afternoon 'opportunity' to exercise anger control >.<
therefore I'll get some time off (hopefully) when we'll go watch Gravity this week-end. 

upload 34% done...
[I guess I'll go get myself some tea right now]

recently watching Big Bang Theory makes me think of certain real people who remind characters of the show. hell, one person could easily fit into the show.  I wish I had as much arrogance to think I'm never wrong and everyone should bend to my will because it's absolute. Or I don't... don't wish I had that much stupidity. 

delusions help to live in this imperfect (to say the least) world, though they also make one ... delusional. it actually intrigues me: whether it's better to live in a world that exists only in your head, so to say... the world that you can control and always pretend everything's ok. or shift your delusions so everything would seem ok.

some say games are a way to escape reality. I guess the real difference lies in whether one can distinguish what's in-game world and what's real world. what's in his/her head and what's really happening. what's his/her wistful thinking and what's a possibility.
I admit, the line is blurry here.

still, I think the worst mistake one certain person makes over and over is making a conjecture about life in general based on principle that everyone sees the world just as [that person] sees it. Or, rather, [that person] just denies a possibility that someone else's point of view may be right. 

certain people who 'defend' gay rights do the same thing: 
they label people that don't support gay movement 'bigots' (etc), while shouting that everyone has the right to do what he/she wants... what they forget is that following that logic people who don't support gay agenda should be allowed to voice their opinions freely...

no use thinking about.  
I've decided to live and let die, so to say. can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. 

oh, my screens are uploaded at last. 

so, here's the link, in two parts [glue them together and you'll be able to see shared folder]:
and of course after some text another part of the link

guess that's it for today, I really need sleep. 

1 comment:

  1. 'Sheldon syndrome' :) people with this forget that compromise is a two-way deal. Your post reminded me of the quote, "the fascists of the future [in this case, those who call other people bigots just for having an opinion] will be called anti-fascists". I liked the shots of GW2, your character has pretty eyes and it made me smile when you switched to the shorter one :) every image comes with a story. It's cool of you to do this, thank you. You never fail to strike me as intelligent, reasonable, fair and strong- with a dark sense of humour which I like. It's stupid, but thank you for being who you are.
    Please enjoy Gravity. I plan to see it myself but I'm going to watch 'Filth' first... which sounds just 'delightful'.
