
Wednesday, August 21

a discussion about videos...

Hm, here's the not-so-interesting story that may relate only to certain individuals...

I've given several of my friends links to two videos of the same performer (Miyavi), both are in English. I was interested how people would react to music and graphic representation, because I wanted to know how my own views correlated with those of the general audience.
Yes, I don't consider myself 'general' audience... perhaps you can guess why, but it really doesn't matter much,

Ok, 1st video,

 More or less commonplace song.
2nd one is more pretentious:

Even snapshots help you to understand the difference.
2nd vid wants to look 'sexy' and 'hot'.

I asked people to tell me which video was more appealing. And why - if they wanted to share.
If we take demographics into account, results are a bit strange.
Female viewers had better opinion about 2nd video (generally), than males. And females also mostly thought music and images match.
I'd like to think no one had a reason to lie :)

What would you make out of all this?


  1. The second video was more appealing to me but maybe for the wrong reasons. I was drawn to the woman and that's probably exactly what they want. Aside from that [aside from her, I should say I suppose] the video had more form to it and told, in the few minutes it had, a story or displayed an 'act' and I thought it suited the music. The first video has a lot of energy but if I tried to fight my nature to say that I preferred the first, I'd be lying to myself.

  2. I appreciate your frankness.
    Men mostly told me 2nd video is more vulgar than it should be. Maybe they wanted to seem modest (even to themselves), who knows :)
    What's surprising, though, is that most women found 2nd video more appealing...

    1. I would never put you on the spot and ask you 'why', because you didn't do that to me, but which do you prefer? You don't have to answer that either, I'm just interested.

    2. Hmm... how should I explain?
      I have this strange idea that
      until men start bouncing their half-naked or naked private parts on TV, women shouldn't feel perfectly fine with other women doing it.
      If this Miyavi dared to put himself on the same spot as the girl in his video, I'd actually support him :)
