Mostly because I needed a way to get rid of strange thoughts on my mind I started to play Vindictus Online.
It was meant to be a free 'small brother' of upcoming Guild Wars 2, I guess.
Nevertheless, so far the game amuses me to a certain extent.
But I know from past experience, that this would pass soon. Thankfully, I am not the one to be sucked into games.

Basically, Vindictus Online is a hack-n-slash hub-based game, meaning that you have action-oriented missions meant to be completed by a party of people. You gather your party or head out alone, choose mission and gear, push start button... and here it is, the hack-n-slash, thankfully it's more intelligent than just 'click-until-you-die'.
Bosses also usually present some sort of challenge, because you need certain strategy to defeat each of them.
Another good point - most missions can be completed under 15 minutes, so it's not really a time-eater.
All character classes present variety of play styles and battle animations.
Of course, my main character is a magician. Who'd guess?
That's how she looked at character creation:
And below I've added some random screens from ~lv.20