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Well, actually that’s it.
I’m looking for a list of books to read, because I’ve read all books from my old list and I want some new titles, authors and genres.
Of course, there’re things I’ve started to read but couldn’t make myself complete (like ‘Books of blood’ by C.Barker said to be genius…. urgh, dunno, found them boring ^^) and there’re things that are simply too much for me (like ‘War and peace’ by L.Tolstoi), but I’m up for experiments…
The genres I like the most are sci-fi, fantasy, detective stories, horror, history and parapunk(alternative history).
Absolutely no soap love stories. No thanks ^^.
The last titles I’ve read are:
‘Flashforward’ by R.J.Sawyer; J.Butcher ‘Dresden files’ series; L.M.Bujold ‘Rings of spirits’; J.Sasson ‘Princess’; too many books by Agatha Cristie xD; J.-F.Nahmias ‘Le Cyclamor’ and so many others…
Maybe someone has something to share from his\her reading experience. I’d be glad to see suggestions. And I’d be even more glad to see suggestions about Japanese authors and books, since I didn’t read too much books of Japanese authors (compared to other countries).
But still I can easily read books only in English, Russian and Ukrainian, French with more effort.